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Fixed Term
Advice Relationship

Financial Advice Relationship

We help people make good money choices today to set them up for tomorrow.

When clients have a financial advice relationship with us, they feel energised, confident and in control of their money life.

Benefits of fixed term financial advice

Having an ongoing advice relationship with a Financial Adviser makes sense if you’re serious about achieving your money goals.



With a financial adviser by your side our clients tell us they feel:

  • Confident making money decisions.

  • Less stressed, money is taken care of.

  • Optimised, they know their money is working as it should.

  • Relieved, someone else is looking out for opportunities.

  • Supported, your personal money cheer squad keeping you on track and celebrating your progress.

  • In control, they are no longer ignoring money issues and instead taking steps to improve their position.

  • Hopeful. They know they are taking realistic steps towards their future life.

Fixed Term Financial Advice Service

Not only do you get a detailed, personalised financial strategy, but you also benefit from a close advice relationship.

With us by your side, you’re never alone in making financial decisions.

  • Access to your Financial Adviser

  • Ask questions

  • Have a sounding board

  • Progress & Review Meeting

  • Portfolio Reports

  • Quarterly News and Insights

  • Introductions to our Professional Panel


Not many financial advisers share costs up-front but we do.

Because we value transparency


  • Professional cost ranges reflect single or couple, number of accounts, complexity of portfolio and circumstances.

  • Costs are paid via your investment, superannuation or pension fund platform or invoiced if preferred.

  • Suggested minimum investable assets for our services is $250,000. If you have less than $250,000 investable assets, we can consider one-off initial financial advice. This would involve a Statement of Advice (financial plan) and no ongoing financial advice.

  • Either party may terminate the Fixed Term Agreement by giving the other party at least 30 days' written notice (including via email).

Additional help


  • Centrelink help & forms $220 to $2,200

  • Centrelink liaison service – Single $715 or Couple $825 for 12 months



  • Direct share portfolio service (CHESS Bell Potter) $330 pa minimum

  • Stockbroking share registry & forms assistance $165 per hour


Financial Adviser hourly rate

  • Financial Adviser $385 per hour

  • Associate Financial Adviser $250 per hour

  • Client Service Manager/Officer & administration $190 per hour


All costs above are quoted GST inclusive.

Want to have a financial adviser by your side?

Ready to make good financial decisions for life?

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